

  • Coromatic white paper - Site Management Survey 2020

    Site Management Survey 2020

    Pandemic has little effect on risk awareness in Nordic companies

    The pandemic has highlighted the necessity of a robust digital infrastructure as many office workers now run their everyday operations from home. As services, processes and everyday life become increasingly digitized, availability could be the difference between success or total failure. The pandemic has highlighted the necessity of a robust digital infrastructure as many office workers now run their everyday operations from home. Basic resources such as power and network supply have become even more critical. However, the prevailing worldwide health crisis also affects the human resources needed to keep operations running, and a shortage of key staff could currently constitute the most vulnerable component of the infrastructure ecosystem.

    Hent Site Management Survey 2020

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  • Coromatic Whitepaper - Strategy for energy effiency 24/7

    Strategy for energy effiency 24/7?

    What will happen if the resources we depend on are not supported by emergency power systems and don’t not have the required capacity available when we need it?

    Energy efficiency has been on the agenda in most businesses for quite some time. What should a strategy contain to continuously obtain energy and environmental savings? Are we not already aware in the business world, how to manage an energy efficient business? Do mission critical environments and high availability put specific demands on energy monitoring and how energy management should be performed?

    Hent Strategy for energy effiency 24/7?

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  • Coromatic whitepaper Site Management Survey 2019

    Site Management Survey 2019

    Are you building your digital future on a weak foundation?

    More and more companies are adopting digital strategies to keep up with the competition or try to disrupt markets. Driven by new technology and forever changing the way we work, affecting even the core business models of companies, digitalization is on most decision makers agenda.

    Hent Site Management Survey 2019

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  • Coromatic whitepaper - Increase the efficiency of your datacenter

    Increase the efficiency of your datacenter

    Coromatic Critical Facilities Operations (CFOPS) Framework

    Coromatic has put together a program for quality control and operation of data centers and other business-critical infrastructure. The program has been donated to Open Compute Project (OCP) and is free to use to increase the quality of operations in mission critical facilities.
    The objective of this paper is to disseminate the program to increase the efficiency of operations and to codify effective processes and routines.

    OCP offers a platform for openly sharing intellectual property and encourage the IT-industry to evolve, much like open projects in the software industry. The purpose of this whitepaper is to make Coromatics services known while encouraging the inclusion of the OCP program in all development projects. If you are unfamiliar with Coromatic Critical Facilities Operations (CFOPS) Framework, it's time to gain insight.

    Hent Increase the efficiency of your datacenter

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  • Coroamtic whitepaper - In the shadow of the cloud 2018

    In the shadow of the cloud

    Emerging types of datacenters, cloud and risk management

    What emerging types of datacenters are there and can we, based on present conditions, form an idea on how to develop resilient operations? No doubt, datacenters will continue to be a business-critical resource in the future. New business requirements determine how we optimize the operation of IT and datacenters based on new conditions. Solutions for energy efficiency, technology integration and Edge computing will shape our future datacenters. What trends can be identified impacting how we build and use existing datacenters, optimally?

    Hent In the shadow of the cloud

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  • Coromatic Site Management Survey 2018

    Site Management Survey 2018

    The bumpy road to a digital future

    This year’s survey focuses on the critical success factors for transforming and running a highly digitized business. With the introduction of Internet of things and edge computing, customers are today facing old challenges in a new world of increased communication to and with critical resources. How well are investments in critical infrastructure aligned to enterprise business strategy? Are companies prepared to expand their business into new arenas, i.e. will their critical infrastructure support the updated business models?

    Hent Site Management Survey 2018

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  • Coromatic White paper - Edge computing explained

    Strategies for a Digital Future

    Edge Computing explained

    Edge computing is already influencing businesses and organizations. The technology means new business opportunities for better service, increased efficiency and reduced costs. However, certain requirements will need to be fulfilled to implement new technology and start using it for business development. In this whitepaper we look at how to apply edge computing.

    Hent Strategies for a Digital Future

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  • Coromatic whitepaper, Energy optimization

    Energy optimization

    Save both money and the environment

    In recent years, the data center sector has investigated varying solutions for lowering environmental impact. Initially, stakeholders talked about green IT, i.e., electricity that supplied the centers should be green in the sense that energy came from renewable sources such as solar, wind, or water. Now, energy generation and measurement methods are far more sophisticated, because all stakeholders increasingly demand climate-smart solutions in every process phase.

    Hent Energy optimization

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  • Coromatic whitepaper. Site management survey 2017

    Are you in control?

    Critical facilities site management survey 2017

    Digitalization enables things we could once only dream of, while at the same time challenging traditional business models. Although digitalization brings many new opportunities, it places entirely new demands on infrastructure, with seemingly basic aspects as power supply and data communication becoming crucial for maintaining enterprise operations.
    Do you want to be invited to our next survey, please contact

    Hent Are you in control?

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  • Coromatic whitepaper Mind the gap, english

    Mind the gap

    Critical facilities site management survey 2016

    In March 2016, Coromatic concluded its annual Critical Facilities Site Manager Survey. More than 330 site managers from organizations in 24 different countries responded to questions about the maturity of their organizations’ approach to Critical Facilities site operations.

    Hent Mind the gap

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  • Coromatic white paper, In the shadow of the cloud

    In the shadow of the cloud

    Yesterday, today and tomorrow

    Many companies today are contemplating moving into the cloud, either partially or through fully outsourcing their IT services and operations. Many more are already in the cloud. They are seeing the cost benefits of receiving cheaper IT-services, applications, functions and storage via cloud access through the internet rather than via the on-site in-house managed services of old.

    Hent In the shadow of the cloud

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  • Coromatic whitepaper, CF site management survey 2015

    Critical facilities

    Site management survey 2015

    In 2015, Coromatic concluded its annual Critical Facilities Site Management Survey. More than 100 site managers in different countries responded to questions about the maturity of their organizations’ approach to Critical Facilities site operations. The questions spanned the areas of business dependency, business demand and budgeting of sites, both for operations and site investments.

    Hent Critical facilities

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  • Coromatic whitepaper, CF study Nordic hospitals

    CF study

    Nordic hospitals market trends and associated risks

    In 2015, Coromatic Group concluded a Critical Facilities study covering the years 2000-2013. The scope was of the Nordic hospital market and its reliance on two mission critical functions, power and communications, taking into consideration the increased amount of data being processed in different systems.

    Hent CF study

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  • Coromatic whitepaper, 24/7 uptime

    24/7 uptime

    What happens if operations shut down?

    In our increasingly digitized world, infrastructures that manage data traffic are increasingly mission-critical. From the days when network- and data-communication systems equated with data centers in basements, their importance gradually became central.

    Hent 24/7 uptime

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  • Se flere Whitepaper


  • Et tillbageblik på året der er gået - og et kig ind i hvad der kommer til at ske i 2024.

    Det er med masser af optimisme, og en pæn portion stolthed, at vi er trådt ind i 2024.
    2023 var på mange måder et rigtigt godt år for os i Coromatic Danmark, hvor vi lykkedes med at komme i mål med mange meget vigtige ting i den store omvæltning, vi har arbejdet intensivt med i flere år.

  • Din sikkerhed for strøm og data døgnet rundt

    Coromatic er din betroede partner, der udvikler og driver robuste, kritiske infrastrukturløsninger. Din tryghed for, at alle maskiner kører, al kommunikation er online, og elektriske installationer er i drift.

  • Vi tilbyder 24/7 service af dine forretningskritiske anlæg

    At sikre strømforsyning og datakommunikation spiller en central rolle i driften af næsten alle virksomheder i dag. I vores digitaliserede samfund er der ikke tid til nedbrud, strømsvigt eller afbrydelser i datakommunikation. Sikring af det rette serviceniveau til tiden og optimal oppetid, stiller store krav til en professionel serviceudbyder. Coromatic er dedikeret i at hjælpe organisationer i alle størrelser med at sikre uafbrudt strømforsyning og datakommunikation, og derved sikre driften 24/7.

  • Få et nyt selvfinansieret serverrum og en grønnere profil

    Ældre serverrum bruger meget energi, og belaster både driftsøkonomien og klimaet. Derfor giver det god mening at tage stilling til, om jeres serverrum skal renoveres eller erstattes af et nyt. Med en ESCO-model (Energy Service Company), som tager udgangspunkt i sparede energiudgifter, kan et helt nyt serverrum ved hjælp af selvfinansiering, tilbagebetales over en kort årrække. Samtidig kan I opnå væsentlige besparelser på driftsomkostningerne og være med til at bidrage til et mindre klimaaftryk.

  • Site Assessment er en service, der udføres af Coromatic med henblik på at bygge bro mellem den nuværende infrastruktur og forretningsstrategien

    Virksomhedskritisk infrastruktur, såsom datacentre og kritisk kommunikation, er afgørende for enhver virksomhed, og omkostningerne eller konsekvenserne ved afbrud kan være alvorlige. Virksomheder har brug for at kunne fungere 24/7, og ledelsen skal have adgang til den rigtige information overalt — og når som helst. Så hvordan skal fysiske og logiske IT-risici styres, så de går hånd i hånd med initiative til forretningsudvikling, og vil et fokus på bæredygtighed afspejles i disse initiativer?

  • Vi tager os af driften af dine forretningskritiske anlæg

    Uafbrudt strømforsyning og datakommunikation spiller i dag en central rolle i vedligeholdelsen af funktionerne i næsten alle organisationer. I vores digitaliserede verden er der ikke plads til strømudfald eller afbrud i datakommunikation i den daglige drift. Driften af forretningskritiske anlæg er vigtig, men lavt prioriteret i mange virksomheder. Den er dog kritisk for hele virksomheden. Coromatics serviceydelser kan hjælpe virksomheder ved at tage ansvar for den daglige drift af forretningskritiske anlæg og sikre at de fungerer optimalt 24/7.

  • Generator og UPS

    "Kritisk strøm" er en fællesbetegnelse for systemer, der garanterer kontinuerlig og problemfri strømforsyning, hvilket er afgørende, hvis driftssystemer skal køre problemfrit hele døgnet rundt. Kritisk strømforsyning er blevet vigtigere som følge af den stigende digitalisering og behovet for en pålidelig strømforsyning. I dag er mange funktioner forretningskritiske, hvilket har betydet en højere prioritering af områderne strømforsyning og nødstrøm.

  • All modern operations are digitalised in some way

    Today, all operations are digitalised in some way or another, both business processes and various company-wide functions. This allows us to constantly work from different locations and always stay connected. Not least in the office, where we take for granted that we can move from different meetings, common areas and back to the desk without losing contact with the network and important systems.

  • Site Assessment is a service performed by Coromatic to connect the present infrastructure to business strategy

    Mission critical infrastructure such as data centers and critical communication are crucial for any business, and the cost or impact of downtime could be severe. Businesses need to run 24/7, and management teams need to have access to the right information anywhere – and at any time. So how will physical and logical IT risks be managed so they go hand in hand with business development initiatives, and will the focus on sustainability be reflected by those initiatives?

  • We provide 24/7 service maintenance of your mission critical sites

    Stable power and data communication supply plays a crucial role in maintaining the operation of almost any of today’s organizations. In our digitalized society, there is no room for power failure or disruption in data communication. Ensuring the right level of maintenance in time and securing high uptime levels requires a professional provider of maintenance. This is why Coromatic is dedicated to helping organizations of all sizes and ensuring continuous supply of power and data communication, for uninterrupted business 24/7.

  • Minimere kostbar nedetid, eliminere risiko for brand

    Vores tekniske rengøring er en professionel rengøringsservice, som er målrettet teknikrum, som indeholder servere, mekanik- og koblingsudstyr, generatorer og UPS, samt batterier.

  • Non Sonus OSD C100 NS

    A highly soundproofed superstructure made from a sandwich construction from our own factory with variable speed electric fans that ensures low noise levels. This allows for use within urban areas, even during evenings and weekends.

  • Frigør dit personale. Smart og effektivt!

    Hvis du oplever, at dine personaleressourcer er begrænsede og tidplanerne er stramme, så kan Coromatics Smart Hands være en hjælp.

  • Strategic management advice for secure and sustainable operations

    Digitalization enables things that we could once only dream about, while challenging traditional business models. Although digitalization brings many new opportunities, it also places entirely new demands on infrastructure, with seemingly basic aspects as power supply and data communication becoming crucial for maintaining operations. Operations need to run 24/7, and management teams need to have access to the right information anywhere – and at any time.

  • Hold dit IT miljø stabilt og effektivt

    Datacentret er virksomhedens hjerte, som holder liv i forretningen. I vores digitaliserede samfund er der ikke plads til strømsvigt eller afbrydelser i datakommunikation. I den forbindelse er høj disciplin i forbindelse med kabling og patchning grundlaget for et stabilt og effektivt IT miljø.

  • Vi sikrer, at virksomheder og organisationer kan opretholde deres forretning uden afbrydelser

    Digitalisering muliggør ting, som vi engang kun kunne drømme om, og udfordrer de traditionelle forretningsmodeller. Digitalisering hjælper virksomheder til at spare tid og penge, samtidig med at flere produkter og services stilles til rådighed for flere kunder til en lavere pris. Vi vil se mange spændende anvendelsesmuligheder dukke op i fremtiden.

  • Uninterruptible power and emergency power

    Critical Power is a collective name for systems that guarantee uninterruptible and seamless power delivery, which is crucial if operations are to run smoothly in the long term. The field of Critical Power has also become more important with the rapid digital trend and the need for a reliable supply of electricity. Today, we can see that more functions are business-critical, which has raised the priority given to the issue of power supply and emergency power.

  • We enable companies and organizations to run their operations without disruption

    Digitalization makes things possible that we could once only dream about, while challenging traditional business models. Digitalization helps companies save time and money, while making more products and services available to more customers at a lower cost. We will see many exciting opportunities and applications emerge in the future.

  • Prefabricated 10-, 20- and 40-foot units Constructed of steel with composite technology

    Coromatic is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Coromatic offers solutions designed and built with Nordic quality. However, our geographic presence is much wider than that. Coromatic recently built data centers in Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America. This experience enables us to fully understand the customers’ different needs. The Coromatic team has a proven record of accomplishment of deploying high quality turnkey projects including civil work worldwide.

  • Se flere Brochurer

Guide til installation og valg af UPS

  • UPS-teknologier

    Coromatic leverer forskellige typer UPS-anlæg i forskellige prisklasser. Prisen afhænger ofte af ydelse og batteritid, men der er også en del principielle forskelle, man bør se på, inden køb af en UPS. De fleste UPS-anlæg i dag er driftsikre og af god kvalitet. Grundlæggende er en UPS ikke nogen specielt kompliceret ting. Alle UPS-anlæg består principielt af 3 komponenter: ensretter, vekselretter og batteri.